Professor Gustavo Burdman
Dept. of Mathematical Physics – Room 3111
Wednesday and Friday, 10h at Room Jayme Tiomno, 2nd floor Ed.
Office Hours: Thursdays 14:00 to 16:00, Room 3111
Teaching Assistant: Marvin Mascioli Janini
I will not follow one textbook. At times I will be
taking material from a specific book, which I will point
out. But I hope to provide a good set of lecture notes
(see below).
Here is a list of books that I find useful, some of
which have material I will present in class:
"An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory”, M. E.
Peskin and D. V. Schroeder;
"Quantum Field
Theory”, Itzykson and Zuber;
“The Quantum Theory of Fields I and II”, S. Weinberg;
"Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell", A. Zee;
"Modern Quantum Field Theory", T. Banks;
"Condensed Matter Field Theory", Altland and Simons;
"Field Theories of Condensed Matter Physics", E.
"Advanced Quantum Field Theory", M. Shifman;
"Dynamics of the Standard Model", J. Donoghue, E.
Golowich and B. Holstein;
"Quantum Field Theory", M. Srednicki.
"Quantum Theory of Many-Particle Systems", A. Fetter and J.
Theory of Elementary Particle Physics", T.-P. Cheng and
L.-F. Li.
"Field Theories of Condensed Matter
Systems", E. Fradkin.
Class Notes
I: The Renormalization Group
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