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RANMAR (G. Marsaglia et al., 1987) ri = mod [(ri-97- ri-33), 224] ti-1- 7654321 if ti-1- 7654321 > 0 ti-1- 7654321 + 224 - 3 otherwise xi = mod [(ri- ti), 224] period = 2144 portable & recommended possible to gen. independently disjoint sequences

  • ACARRY/RCARRY/RANLUX (Marsaglia et al., 1990)
  • Dn=xn-i-xn-j-cn-1 j >i ³1
  • xn=Dn cn = 0 if Dn³ 0
  • xn=Dn+b cn = 1 otherwise
  • e.g. j = 24, i=10, b=224 : RCARRY
  • fails gap test - Period »2568
  • Lüscher (1994) proposed to read j numbers and discard the following p-j with p=223 ® RANLUX