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  • xi = mod [(xi-pÄ xi-q), m]
  • popular choice
  • xi = mod [(xi-24 + xi-55), 232]
  • period = 2t (255-1) 0 £ t < 32
  • Dieter-Ahrens (1979) proposed
  • xi = mod [(a xi-1 + b xi-2), m]
  • number of hyperplanes are increased by 2t/d with right choice of a and b
  • Shift Register based on the recurrence relation
  • xi = xi-pÅ xi-p+q
  • Å bitwise exclusive-or (0 Å 0 = 1 Å 1 = 0, 1 Å 0 = 0 Å 1 =1)
  • e.g. p = 250, q = 103, period = 2250 -1