The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is an international collaboration involving
researchers and institutions from the USA, England, Germany, Spain,
Switzerland and Brazil.
The main goal of the DES is to study the nature of dark energy through
a combination of cosmological probes, helping clarify the causes of
cosmic acceleration.
I am a member and builder of the DES and have been a participant of the
collaboration for over 10 years, participating in various working groups,
including Photo-zs, Galaxy Clusters, Large Scale Structure and Theory.
Most of my students and post-docs are also involved in the DES, which
provides great opportunities for collaboration with researchers
abroad and direct contact with top research happening in Cosmology.
The DES collaboration has recently submitted various papers for its
first data analysis from the so-called DES Science Verification Data.
The collaboration is now working on the analysis of the DES official first
year data, which is quite exciting and provides plently of
research opportunities for students and post-docs.