Next: Conclusion
Up: Two Theorems by Helmholtz
Previous: Applications
There is another important result by Helmholtz in the same paper we
above. It concerns the most general infinitesimal deformation of a plastic
(that is, non-rigid) body.2
Consider a small volume element of a deformable body (a fluid, say).
Putting the origin of the coordinates inside this volume element,
be the position of a generic point
. The
origin is denoted by
. After a deformation,
the material point
has a new position vector,
Also the point of the body located at the origin moved, its position
now being given by
. We assume, as physically reasonable,
is, as a function of position, continuous and
differentiable to any order. In what follows, in order to get results
of enough generality, we assume
very close to
, that is to say,
we consider an infinitesimal volume of the body. Notice that
itself doesn't have to be small in what follows, though, in considering
deformations, this is somewhat academic, as finite deformations can always
be obtained from infinitesimal ones (for instance, by Lie group methods). This
notwithstanding, the geometrical interpretation we will get is only clear
for infinitesimal
. On the other hand, the application for the
electric field which is done below would be impoverished by confining
to be infinitesimal.
A Taylor expansion for
(14) |
neglecting further corrections, what is allowed by the restriction to
infinitesimal volume. Here we wrote
. In more detail, if
is the
i-th component of
, one has
(15) |
This can be abbreviated to
(16) |
(17) |
where, obviously,
(18) |
In order to analyse this deformation in terms of more basic ones,
let us decompose
in the following way:
(19) |
and consider separately the symmetric and the antisymmetric parts.
The antisymmetric part is
(20) |
The symmetric part is
It can be decomposed as follows:
(21) |
, so
(22) |
We can therefore write Eq.(21) as
(23) |
is a traceless symmetric tensor.
Going now to Eq.(17), we can write
(24) |
(25) |
where the last term is a vector whose i-th component is
. An
is sometimes called a dyadic.It is a second-order tensor. Let
us examine
the meaning of the several terms of Eq.(25). The first term of
second member is a translation. The second is an infinitesimal rotation
the axis
, and the remaining terms describe
a dilatation
of the volume element. To understand them better, let us suppose
temporarily that
the translation and the rotation vanish, so that we have, for a component
(26) |
is a symmetric matrix, so it can be diagonalized. This
means that
we can change coordinate axes in such a way that, in the new ones, the
matrix elements
have the form
, where no sum is
in this last expression. So, if the new coordinates are denoted by
we have
(27) |
so that
(28) |
Consider the infinitesimal ``cube'' centered at
, with
as a vertex.
(The ``cube'' may have curvilinear edges, at least after the
Its volume before the deformation was, in the new coordinates,
. After the deformation, it is
As we have, considering only the dilatation,
(29) |
(30) |
and, for the volume,
(31) |
which, to first order is
(32) |
that is,
(33) |
but, as
is traceless,
(34) |
So, the
do not contribute to the change of volume, but do
contribute to the change of the form of the little cube.
Referring again to Eq.(25), we see that
is written
as a sum of a translation, plus a rotation, plus an isotropic dilatation,
plus a volume-conserving deformation.3
Notice that Eq.(25) was obtained using only Calculus. So, it should
apply to any vector field whatsoever. To shed more light on the role of each
term of the expansion, let us use it for the electric field. We then have:
\vec{E}(\vec{r})=\vec{E}(\vec{0}) + \frac{\vec{r}}{3}(div\,...
...{2}[(curl\,\vec{E})_0\times \vec{r}]
+ \vec{r}.{\bf S}^0
\end{displaymath}](img84.png) |
(35) |
, the second term reads
(36) |
Now, this is the field of a uniformly charged sphere of radius
at a point
of its surface. It is a radial field to be added to
The second term vanishes if the fields are static. Otherwise,
(37) |
\frac{1}{2}[(curl\,\vec{E})_0\times \vec{r}]=-\frac{1}{2c}\frac{
\partial}{\partial t}[\vec{B}(\vec{0})\times\vec{r}]\;.
\end{displaymath}](img90.png) |
(38) |
Consider a uniform magnetic field of value
. A
vector potential corresponding to it is
(39) |
so that we have
\frac{1}{2}[(curl\,\vec{E})_0\times \vec{r}]=-\frac{1}{c}
\frac{\partial \vec{A}}{\partial t}\;.
\end{displaymath}](img93.png) |
(40) |
This means that the third term of (35) is the contribution
of the magnetic field at the origin, treated as follows: extend the value
to a uniform field. Compute its vector potential
and then add the term
. All the rest of the field at
(and that could
be a lot!) comes from the term
Next: Conclusion
Up: Two Theorems by Helmholtz
Previous: Applications
Henrique Fleming