Funding for this event kindly provided by FAPESP and by JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
Speakers and presentations
Ivone Albuquerque (18/1) - The DarkSide Experiment: Venturing into the low mass region.
Yuichiro Tada (19/1) - Aspects of primordial black hole as dark matter
Edivaldo Moura Santos (19/1) - Anisotropies in the flux of ultra-high energy cosmic rays
Kazumi Kashiyama (19/1) - Detectability of Small-Scale Dark Matter Clumps with Pulsar Timing Arrays
Fabio Iocco (19/1) - Determining the distribution of Dark Matter in the Milky Way
Ippei Obata (20/1) - Optical Interferometric Search for Axion Dark Matter
Tomohiro Fujita (20/1) - Search for Axion Dark Matter with New Approaches
María Beníto Castaño (20/1) - Searching for new physics (and DM): implications of uncertainties in the determination of DM distribution in the Milky Way
Naoya Kitajima (20/1) - Axion dark matter in a neutron star magnetosphere
Aion Viana (20/1) - Indirect searches of dark matter with gamma-rays
Fabio Chibana (20/1) - Redshift space distortions in the presence of non-minimally coupled dark matter