Pulpit rock

Diego Trancanelli

Associate Professor
Dept. of Mathematical Physics (DFMA)
Institute of Physics
University of São Paulo (USP)
São Paulo, Brazil

Email: dtrancan(at)fma.if.usp.br
Phone: +55 (11) 3091-6843

Brief CV

CV (pdf, English)
Lattes CV
Biblioteca Virtual FAPESP

Research interests

My research focuses on various aspects of the gauge/gravity correspondence. I am interested both in more formal aspects (such as the study of supersymmetric observables like Wilson loops) and in more applied ones (such as the study of strongly coupled QFT systems).

Selected publications

Full list
Google Scholar

Popular accounts here (in English, from phys.org) and here (in Portuguese, from Agencia FAPESP) of our recent paper with Pramod Padmanabhan, Soo-Jong Rey, and Daniel Teixeira.

Some local activities

DFMA String Theory Journal Club
IFT and ICTP-SAIFR Seminars

Schools at the ICTP-SAIFR and other places

Current postdocs

Former postdocs

Current students

Former students

Iniciação Científica

Alunos do terceiro ou quarto ano de graduação interessados em uma IC em teoria de cordas ou outro assunto relacionado podem me contatar no endereço email acima.

Teaching - Ensino

Undergraduate courses - Cursos de graduação

Graduate courses - Cursos de pos-graduação

Outreach - Extensão

Updated: August 2018